Friday 28 September 2018

Railway Axles & Range of it's

Harsh axles for railroad moving stock.

The primary sort of aced creation for moving stock will be harsh wheel match with the most significant plan hub heap of 230.5 kN (RU1SH) and 245.2 kN (RV2SH) for cargo wagons with configuration speed of 160 km/h.

Generation is made arrangements for the tomahawks of "MEM" in August this year. Unpleasant pivot will be delivered from ceaseless throwing by hot producing and stamping, subjected to additionally warm treatment, to experience a wide range of tests required.

The whole generation process is robotized and conveyed tomahawks with the most recent innovation, an element of the new mechanized line is the capacity to rapidly change to new and various types of forgings.

Wagon pivot is a standout amongst the most essential parts of the bogie.

It is a steel bar of round cross area, which is reinforced wheel combine.

At first, amid the delivering of wagon pivot, we get unpleasant steel clear - harsh hub, which presented to warm and mechanical handling.

The last result of delivering is completing pivot.

A wide range of axles has similar separations between the focuses of the heap to the necks. It's 2036 mm. For cargo wagons with expanded burdens from wheel match on rails up to 245 kN, it gives split hub which has expanded measurements.

Axles and shafts smooth variable segment

D = 150 ÷ 650 mm;

d = 150 ÷ 600mm;

L up to 2500 mm

Shafts smooth round cross area

D = 150 ÷ 650 mm;

L = 1000 ÷ 2500 mm


A 650 mm;

h = 150 ÷ 250mm;

L = 1000 ÷ 2500 mm

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Friday 21 September 2018

Application and characteristics of cardan joint

Application and characteristics of cardan joint:

universal joint is a coupling of two angle it is a positive mechanical connection between rotating shaft,they are usually not parallel but intersecting to it.This used for transmit motion ,powder or both.

Application of universal joint:

universal joints include aircraft, appliances, control mechanisms,electronIcs, Instrumentation, medical and optical devices, ordnance, radio, sewing machines, textile machInery and tool
Universal joints are available in steel or in thermoplastic body members.Universal joints with thermoplastic body members are used in light industrial applications in which their self-lubricating feature.
Universal joints of special construction, such as ball-jointed universals are also available.These are used for high-speed operation and for carrying large torques.

Characteristics of the Cardan Joint:

A basic characteristic of the Cardan joint is the nonuniformity of
motion transmission through the joint.The angular-velocity ratio
between input and out put shafts varies cyclically at two cycles
per revolution of the input shaft.Operating angle can be as
much as 15% of peak angular velocity (in the case of a 30° operating angle).

Double cardan joint:

A double Cardan joint consists of two universal joints mounted back to back with a center yoke. 
The center yoke replaces the intermediate shaft. Provided that the angle between the input 
shaft and center yoke is equal to the angle between the center yoke and the output shaft, the
second Cardan joint will cancel the velocity errors introduced by the first Cardan joint and the aligned double Cardan joint will act as a CV joint

If you want some more information  about cardan shaft visit us on:/
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